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Properties near
Layar MRT Station (SW6)

Compare 11 private properties (Condos and ECs) by PSF, leasehold, and age within 2km walking distance from Layar. Prices of properties in this area average $1245 per square foot. Layar is a station along the Sengkang Light Rail Transit (West Loop). Use our lists to make the best informed decisions and narrow down your search for the right property.

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Sengkang Light Rail Transit (SKLRT)

The Sengkang Light Rail Transit (SKLRT) is a 10.7-kilometre light rail line that serves residential areas in Sengkang New Town. It is operated by SBS Transit and is the second LRT system in Singapore. The line opened on January 18, 2003, and uses the Crystal Mover rolling stock produced by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

These are automated people movers with rubber tires, operating in single-car or double-car configurations. The line consists of two loops that serve the eastern and western parts of the town. Sengkang station, located in the town center, is an interchange between both loops and the North East Line.

The LRT operates in both directions for both loops. It was developed to provide convenient transportation options for residents and complements existing bus services in the area. The LRT runs on elevated viaducts throughout its route.

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